There are very few days in my life when I have the feeling that I’ve got everything under control the way I’d like. I feel like a juggler… but not always such a great one. I can handle five balls (or blazing rings of fire!) but not six. Why then, do I tie my sense of security to being able to juggle six, or possibly even seven at a time?
Practically, I mean that although I’m currently successfully tackling eating healthier food, working out has dropped off the list. And if I add working out back in, laundry will most likely get out of control. And if laundry is washed, folded, and put away, chances are good that haven’t called my best friend back. I think you might be able to relate.
There’s something going on here on a deeper, darker level… because in the end, does it really matter if laundry piles up a little bit?
I have been afraid. Afraid that I won’t be able to maintain all my responsibilities and that I will get worn out by the monotony of trying. It leaves me feeling very unsettled because I could have actually had a pretty wonderful day- if I wasn’t too busy beating myself up because I couldn’t figure out how to get that sixth ball into the mix. I must need MORE DISCIPLINE! MORE DILIGENCE! MORE CONSISTENCY!
And, more brains, and more arms, and more legs, and more mouths, and more hands.
What if I actually just need a new peace-giving perspective?
And perspective is what the Lord gave me last week when He helped me see something new in an old story- Moses and the Israelites’ story. The Lord told Moses, in Exodus 23, that as He brought the Israelites into the Promised Land, He would not drive out all their enemies at once. He did this so that the wild animals would not overrun the land. As I was studying the passage, verse 29 jumped off the page. I am understanding more and more about how the Israelite’s journey parallels mine as a believer and how so many of the details surrounding all the events of those 40 years in the desert point to Jesus and His work on the cross. A thought occurred to me…
I have been saved from bondage, like the Israelites, and my life on earth parallels the Israelite’s journey through the desert. Canaan, their Promised Land, is my eternal life in Heaven. Until the Israelites had fully entered the Promised Land, they had enemies to battle. The perspective that the Lord gave me was that until I am in heaven, I will have enemies to battle… they will never all be fully conquered on earth, and that is by God’s gracious design. If all of my enemies were conquered at once, if I could indeed juggle every ball, every day, I might get a little too comfortable here and forget this is not my home. Heaven is my promised land, where every enemy will be conquered.
That perspective brings me peace. It’s okay that I can’t quite have everything under control the way I’d like. That’s actually God’s design… not my lack of juggling ability. He wants me to remain dependent on Him and continually looking toward Heaven. May you be encouraged, fellow juggler, and feel God’s pleasure as you continue on your journey… giving God your very best, but with the fresh perspective that He’s gracefully keeping your eyes on Him and your hope in Heaven.
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